Beginning The Experience

When you are missing your period you first start wondering if you are pregnant. The easiest method to check if you are pregnant is using a pregnancy test. You can buy them on drugstores.

Female hand checking pregnancy test results. Fertility Concept

You need to choose an specific period of time because the pregnancy hormone will only appear after 15 days have passed since the conception.

I remember being really sad on first tests because it took me a lot to get pregnant

It was only the beginning of the looong journey it took us to become parents.

To be continued

Maybe is a little late…

but I wanted to let you know that I uploaded these illustrations last month. Maybe is too late for Saint Valentine’s but these illustrations can fit a good post of heart broken people. Let’s give them some love, please!

Sad crying African American woman with red heart broken heart concept.
Young depressed African American man with broken heart on hands. Love concept.
Beautiful black lady sitting on floor crying. Heart broken concept.
Young thoughtful sad crying African American man sitting isolated. Valentine concept.
Sad crying teenager girl thinking in the boy she is in love. Unrequited love concept.
Sad nerd teenager in love of popular girl on class. Love concept.

You Deserve It

Spend one day this weekend listening to some music while you get some relax of work during the whole week and recharge your batteries!

Some Pop music or maybe classical music will help you