Adding a New Style

We recently added a new flat style to our catalog. We wanted to add something trendy and flat with a little of line. It reminds us to our childhood when we saw American cartoons from the 60s – 80s like Snoopy or Hannah Barbera tv shows.

Four different babies from different ethnicities wearing funny warm wool hats.

We absolutely guarantee you it’s made with love.

Made with love seal of approval

Happy National Unicorn Day!

We love fantasy and we are celebrating National Unicorn Day. The most beautiful mythical horse-like creature with a single, pointed horn growing from the center of its forehead.

Unicorns have been a popular mythical creature since Ancient Greek times when people believed they lived in exotic India. They are a symbol of love, purity, enchantment and magic.

How to celebrate #NationalUnicornDay

Beautiful pink haired rainbow horn unicorn
  • Make some yummy colorful pancakes or cupcakes.  Decorate them with multicolored sprinkles or glitter.
  • Bake cookies in the shape of unicorns.
  • Watch a favorite movie including unicorns. We love Unico from Osamu Tezuka.
  • Draw a picture of a unicorn or write a short story.
  • Read your favorite fantasy novel featuring unicorns.
  • Dress yourself with a cute and warm unicorn overall pajama.